Crypto wallet
The best physical wallets for your cryptocurrencies.
Browse the catalog of the crypto wallets that Merkury makes available to you. Only the best products to ensure the safety and manageability of your investments.
These hardware wallets are incredibly secure thanks to their internal secret keys, which you can regenerate and restore when you need them. They are equipped with complementary apps that provide complete portfolio management and you can monitor the status of your deposits.
Furthermore, thanks to their multi-currency versatility, you can store tons of crypto with different algorithms.
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Wallets available for all cryptocurrencies
Thanks to the experience gained over the years, Merkury is at the forefront of new crypto technologies and dedicated hardware. We select the best products that are able to satisfy needs such as safety and flexibility. New generation wallet wallets with Bluetooth system and with up to 100 installable algorithms, without neglecting an easy and fast configuration with generation of security keys.